Case Study: Analyzing 1,000 Law Firm Websites for Average Backlinks, Organic Search Traffic and Keyword Positions
Category: link building/backlinks, off page seo
A common question asked by prospective SEO clients regarding backlinks is some variation of “how much progress can you make and in how long?” The answer depends on the current authority of their website and the level of competition among other websites they are competing with in organic search. This article was created so that I could steer that particular conversation towards data and away from speculation. What you will learn from this SEO analysis:
Originally published on: By Justin Davis, Chief Link Builder There are various strategies for getting exposure to realtor websites and Google My Business (GMB) listings in search results. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the only form of digital marketing that can improve the position of a website or GMB listing for various keyword phrases in search. Showing up higher and more often for popular searches with good user-intent means more targeted leads and more